The Purposeful Turkey


I always enjoy animal encounters.

Sometimes they are just a fun rendez-vous; at other times, a gentle lesson for me to ponder.

This past Monday in the late afternoon, I was driving along a country road that I use fairly often.  Coming up to the intersection with another country road, I noticed a wild turkey purposefully walking from the left side shoulder (ie. oncoming lane) straight across the road, heading to my lane.

Nope. Not interested in that potential kind of turkey encounter.

I honked my horn….also purposefully.

Had to chuckle when I saw the turkey take immediate note of said sound. Turned right around to head back to safety of the other shoulder. Watched me as I passed by. And when I glanced back via my rearview mirror, the turkey once again and with confidence purposefully started crossing the road again.

There were no other cars.

Yep. One smart turkey.




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