What a Surprise – A Liebster Award!


Hello, Friends!

Can you see the HUGE grin on my face?  Hahaha!  And I’m trying to contain my rambunctious giggling urge!

I have been nominated by my friend, Jessie , for a Liebster Award!  What a thrill and an honour!  Thank you so much, Jessie!!  🙂  If you haven’t visited her blog yet, I keenly invite you to drop on by, as her writing is uplifting and caring.  Jessie focuses on the positive, even when it comes to a sad subject.  As her blog title states, “Spread Love Not Hate.”

Ever since I started blogging earlier this year, once in a while I would see other blog pages displaying this award or that one, and I would think “How wonderful for them!  Who knew there were awards in the blogging world?  And…..maybe some day, I might…..?”  Well, Jessie answered that one, didn’t she!

And the next bit is….

The Rules

  1.  Mention and thank the blogger who nominated you.  Add a link to their blog            (Note: I had some help from Jessie and another blogging friend, Paul, on how to TAG in lieu of adding a link.  That way by clicking on their highlighted name, it automatically takes you to their homepage).  Thank you as well, Paul !! 🙂
  2. Answer the 11 questions.
  3. Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
  4. Notify your nominees of their Liebster Award.
  1. Where are you from?

I was born and live in Canada.

2.  What made you start your blog?

I’ve always enjoyed writing.  It was my old school chum, who kept nudging me to give blogging a try (he also blogs actively), and my older son had started a few months before I did (he is pursuing a career as a writer) and he, too, was encouraging me to dive into the world of blogging.

3.  What is a country that you would like to visit?

So many to pick from!  Haha!  And I have been lucky to have travelled to some already.  One country that has been intriguing me for a while is Iceland.  All the Scandinavian countries I find fascinating, and Iceland especially.

4.  Favourite novel?

Again….so many to pick from in this category.  So, I will pick the most recent one that I have read which resonated with me the most.  “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho.

5.  If you would do a social cause, what would it be?

I would like to be of service in promoting the idea of Basic Income as a system to be adopted by our government.  It has been successfully implemented in a few places….even including a community in one of our provinces (Manitoba).  Germany has been working on it.  The Scandinavian countries are focusing on it.  And I tend to look to those countries for inspiration that are coming up with more sustainable ways of living for all their people.  Basic Income would allow citizens to receive a basic income that would cover their costs for shelter and food and take the pressure off of job security.  It will replace the welfare system.  People would then seek work more along what they enjoy doing and feel happier as well.

6.  What is your favourite blog post?  (share the link!)

About a week ago, I came across this blog post, and I just loved the photos as well as the flow and feel of the poem.  The description of the changing leaf colours along with the leaves falling to the ground and how this transition to November feels during that time touched me, as I feel similarly. Here is the link:


7.  What is your favourite season?

Each of the four seasons brings with it unique and beautiful aspects; however, overall my favourite is spring, because when winter finally reaches an end, the transition to spring with the promise of new growth and budding early blooms, along with the return of songbirds to liven up the skies again with their music…..that always has my heart soaring.  Plus, I was born in the spring time.  🙂

8.  What is your pet peeve?

Greed.  Hatred.  They stem from negativity.  I don’t get why people want to dwell in negativity….starting with their minds and then their hearts.  How they can be so hurtful to others and not have that tear them up inside.

Love is by far the strongest force and capable of doing amazing things, and with love at the core comes peace and community-minded well-being.

9.  Favourite colour?

I have bounced between a few, such as blue, green, and yellow with blue being the predominant one.  These days, though, I am having fun with purple!  🙂

10.  What would you improve on yourself?

My confidence.  Over the past six years I have managed to increase my confidence some more; however, I am finding that even though in some areas, I can tackle things without much hesitation, there are other areas, where I become hesitant and doubtful.  I need to feel confident in dreaming big….dreaming of things for me to achieve beyond what I have thought possible before.  And then going for it.

11.  How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

Loving.  Friendly.  Enthusiastic.

My Questions: 

  1. Where do you live?
  2. What languages do you know?
  3. What aspect do you like the most about yourself?
  4. Describe one fun childhood memory.
  5. Name a blog post you like and why (please add the link).
  6. What has surprised you most about blogging?
  7. What do you hope to achieve with your blog?
  8. List 5 other interests in your life.
  9. What kinds of music do you enjoy?
  10. Describe an encounter with a person who inspired you.
  11. Have you any pets and what are they?

My nominees: (no obligations!)




Sue Dreamwalker


Traveling Rockhopper

Keith and Laila





24 thoughts on “What a Surprise – A Liebster Award!

    1. Thank you! Yes, I think that’s the real fun part about the awards….is in reading the answers to the questions we give, thereby allowing us to find out more about our fellow bloggers. 🙂 It’s a great story and a wise book.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. congratulations on your nomination. it is nice to know these things about you and many thanks for remembering me. you are too sweet. i would like to answer your questions here:

    1. the philippines, in south east asia.
    2. filipino, english, and a bit of spanish and caraya.
    3. endurance.
    4. living by the beach with my family.
    5. no favorites really!
    6. how you can be great friends with people halfway around the world.
    7. spread joy.
    8. muay thai and mma, books, cats, baking, and traveling.
    9. no particular genre.
    10. painful, but growth is not always fun.
    11. gorgeous cats!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great answers, Micah! 🙂 I enjoyed learning a little bit more about you through your answers. And that’s one reason why I decided to join in with the award activity – for the sharing of information and the fun! You’re welcome. And thank you for your answers. 🙂


      1. Absolutely :). I do not know it all and sometimes have questions myself and I can’t get answers but if you nee help and I can, I definitely would help 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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