The Lost Tree


A small patch of woods

In the fog’s embrace; spooky,

Arms stretching…imploring?



It was a somewhat foggy morning yesterday, when I was heading for work.
Funny how something can suddenly grab your attention.
As I turned left on the road and then happened to glance to my left, something immediately caught my eye!
It was the effect of the light caused by the foggy greyness and the patterns of the bare tree silhouettes.
I kept on driving, but that image stayed strongly with me.
So I stopped the car. Thought about it. That kind of imagery doesn’t happen all the time… better to grab this photo op while I can.
I drove back and turned around and slowly repeated my path…..taking photos with my phone. Then I noticed the spot again. It was the one with the large tree in the left foreground with its arms reaching out and to the right, towards that unknown area.
It had a spooky feel to it.

Had me thinking…..what a cool setting for a story. Or a scene in a film?
Something is definitely prodding at my writing self…..

Life creates art.


2 thoughts on “The Lost Tree

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